Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Slump

Now that graduate school is completed, and I can officially check "Master's degree" off my list, I've come to realize a few things:

I am a habitual masochist. I am only truly happy when I'm overbooked, stressed, and exhausted. I also, apparently like the opportunity to bitch about all of these things, even though any one who has known me for more than 5 days can attest to the fact that I seek out this mess of sanity. You can insert an exasperated sigh here.

I can't handle free time. Not just free time at home, but free time at work, too. Even going back to dance classes as a kid, whenever it was free dance time, I would internally panic. Thoughts of 'What will I do?' and 'What if what I choose to do isn't as good as something I could have done if I had some time to prepare?' would float through my mind, and I would end up just standing there looking like a pint-sized moron but really I was planning what I would do the next time free dance time came around. Moving on from that aside (and maturing about 20 years), now when I have free time I do things such as: shop online, exercise excessively, drink lots of water so I don't eat, read unusual amounts of books (sometimes at one time), and watch court trials. Then I plan the "Next Big Thing" that I'll do. One week post-graduation, I was looking into entrance requirements for a PharmD program. So, basically, what this means is that I spend lots of money and entertain getting a law degree.

Graduate degrees do not help you get jobs. It's actually all a big lie. Upper level education is just silly. I've had more people look at me with a cocked head and ask "What are you going to do with that?" than they say "You're super qualified for all kinds of jobs, and this will jump-start your career. In fact, the Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical company I work for is hiring, and you'd be perfect.... shall I submit your resume to my boss?"
I've applied for over 25 jobs since graduating, and have only gotten 3 phone interviews. I get a TON of emails back saying that they've gone with other candidates, but that is so not helpful. In fact, last week I sent my cover letter, CV, and graduate transcripts to a company here in town at which I used to work closely with one of their lead coordinators (and who I'm still friends with), my stuff was golden (seriously), and all I got back was a "We'll keep it on file." email. Which just pissed me off because I know for a fact, they didn't even read it. I mean, come on. Read my fucking CV, y'all. I'm awesome.

So what does one do once finished with graduate school?

I have been following the Casey Anthony trial insanely. I listen to the testimonies while I'm at work (because there's nothing else to do), and read the articles while they're at recess, then watch the news shows on HLN after work and a workout. It has consumed me. I rarely watch tv, and avoid reality tv like the pervert man on the bus, but I am hopelessly addicted to this trial, and am pretty sure that I would be an awesome criminal prosecutor. But I can't handle another 3-5 years of school unless it's a PharmD program. I also looked online for CSI jobs here in town last week, and alas, there are none. None of the good jobs are ever hiring.

I've also been taking the bus to and from work when I'm at my downtown office. It's something my dad has been doing for years, and since gas prices are the equivalent of a first born child, and I do not make nearly enough money for that kind of commuting, I buy my $30 bus pass and read my book while I let someone else drive me. It's actually pretty awesome. I hate traffic anyways, and it usually puts me in a shitty mood, and reading makes me happy, so this is a win-win.

A couple of weeks ago I wore a button up shirt to work. This is normal, yes? I also have a messenger-style bag that I keep my work documents in. Also, normal. Well, when I got on the bus and sat down for the ride home, I realized within what must have been 30 seconds that my messenger bag had pulled open a very important button right in the middle of my chest. So, for about 15 seconds after I took my messenger bag off, the man across the aisle from me got a very revealing view of my cleavage. And apparently, he appreciated it. (I'm not saying this from a vain way.) This man (who we now refer to as "pervert man") stared unashamedly at my chest the rest of the way home. It was like he was willing the button to open back up with his mind. And his telekinetic mind jedi powers suck, by the way. My button stayed buttoned the rest of the creepy trip home.

I see pervert man at least once a week, and he always stares at me... like I'm his new Janet Jackson of wardrobe faux pas.

We are moving in a couple weeks so I started packing last weekend. I gave about 3 bridesmaid dresses to goodwill. The one for my sister's wedding is, obviously, still in my closet, and I should be buying another one soon. Because my life IS just like 27 Dresses. And I LOVE it when people point that out to me. Especially when it's the brides I'm standing for. I also LOVE spending $150-$200 on a dress I will wear ONCE. I will not shorten it, wear it again, or turn it into a "super cute sundress". I will bitch about it (I will bitch more if it's ugly), and bitch about it being uncomfortable, I'll bitch about looking fat in it, I'll also probably bitch about the shoes, unless you let me pick them myself. (Um, I'm pretty sure I've reached my quota of weddings and bridesmaid-ing, and this most recent wedding will be the last one I participate in. I may make exceptions for very close friends (of whom I can name 2), but that's it, y'all.) I've always hated weddings, and they make me bitter, and why I'm in so many is a true reference to my revelation #1 listed above.

I'm hoping for an interview with a pharmaceutical company this week or next, for a dream job position, so keep your internet fingers crossed for me.



  1. Do they have a website where they post dream jobs....if so I'd like to write greeting cards...will you find me a job doing that. Preferably one that pays well enough so I don't have to go back to work once Molly gets here :)

  2. Yes, my Rachel, as soon as I'm done landing my dream job, then I will focus on landing yours. However, I'm hoping my free time will decrease significantly once I start new dream job, which means finding your dream job will be slightly more complicated... you follow?

    Basically what I'm saying is, I <3 you.

  3. no ma'am... I have only received Rachel's until yours just showed up. What did yours say?
