Thursday, June 23, 2011

Casey Anthony and why sociopaths are NOT the new black

It's not only my summer obsession, it's America's summer obsession. Mostly due to the insane amount of coverage that Nancy Grace has brought to the topic over the last few years, particularly over the last few months. Caylee Anthony went missing for 31 days in June 2008 and no one reported her missing until July 2008. Her mom, Casey Anthony was out partying, boozing, and lying while her daughter's remains decayed in the trunk of her car and in the woods near her family home. (But you know, if you were a defense attorney for this case, you would have totally called out heresay on me about three times for that sentence. Thank you, cnn, for making me a layperson lawyer.)

Casey Anthony smiling during her capital murder case. Cause, you know, she's totally like, *such* a good liar, y'all.

Work has been slow lately. So. Terribly. Slow. And I usually listen to my iTunes or an audiobook while I'm working, so it only made logical sense that I trade in iTunes for for the duration of this trial. I missed the OJ trial due to the fact that I was in 4th grade, so I'm making up for lost time here. (It should be noted that while following the Casey Anthony trial, I've read the Wikipedia article on the OJ trial  as well as the Goldman family's publication of If I Did It, which you can get at that Amazon link or if you're savvy enough, you can find online in pdf format for free. The internet is funding my law education.)

Back to the trial.... it's a complete circus for those of you not yet drawn in to the mayhem. Webs of lies that make your brain spin trying to sort through them. Forensic evidence that requires hours of testimony to explain. Rock solid prosecution teams and shaky defense teams headed by shady defense attorneys. A defense opening statement filled with accusations that raise even more questions. It's so addicting.

I didn't start following the trial until about halfway through the prosecution's case, but I made it in just in time to see some testimony about skeletal remains, duct tape found on Caylee's skull and in the home, decomposition in the trunk of Casey's car, and internet searches for things like "how to make chloroform", "how to make weapons out of household items", and "neckbreaking". Then Dr. G took the stand and in the most riveting testimony ever explained why the death was a homicide, then slamming the defense attorney during cross examination. It was like a championship sports game, and it was fantastic. I sat in my office, cheering, while listening through earbuds. That was slightly embarrassing.

The defense started their testimony about a week ago, and it's all been very boring since then. Jose Baez, lead defense attorney, is a moron of astronomical proportions, who at last count had roughly three charges of contempt coming his way after this trial. And I'm not sure if he's trying to lose this case because he's realized he's in way above his head, or if he's just that narcissistic that he thinks he's doing a great job and can't tell otherwise that the entire country is mocking him.

During their opening statement, the defense claimed that Caylee's death was an accidental drowning in the family pool, and that George Anthony, the grandfather, found her and then buried her in the woods to make the death looking like a kidnapping/murder. And that Casey is such a good liar because her father and brother (George and Lee) sexually molested her while she was growing up. Which I find hard to believe, I mean, if you've been sexually abused since you were a child, wouldn't you do anything you could to get out of that house when you were 18? Instead of living there until you were 22? Don't get me wrong, that family is some sort of dysfunctional, but I don't know if I fully believe the defense statement. However, in order to back it up, then Casey will probably have to take the stand, and that will be some good watching right there.

I've watched this girl cry some alligator tears, use the same kleenex for 20 minutes, sob uncontrollably, and then have a scowl so severe it looks like she has horns. And I may not be a licensed psychotherapist, but she's a sociopath if I ever saw one.

How I really feel about what I did, y'all. Oops my bad?

Here's what I think happened: Casey met some new friends who were her age (22) that didn't have any kids, were able to go out and party, drink, and have fun. She envied this, always wanted it, and resented Caylee for it. After a fight with her mom that was the proverbial "last straw" she killed the kid, thought she could get away with a kidnapping "never found" case, and go on with her merry life. But, she's ill educated (didn't finish high school) and it all blew up in her face. Do I think she understands the full ramifications of what she's done? No. I think she's getting there as the trial proceeds, but I think she is a severe narcissist who doesn't really comprehend or understand that other people have lives and that there are those that exist outside of her. The amount of people who got drawn into this case because of her lies simply amazes me. She's absolutely, 100% guilty and I've seen nothing so far to make me think otherwise.

The prosecution. Or in other words, my new favorite TV attorneys.


  1. Defense presentation goes something like this:

    Baez: blah, blah, blah in the form of hours of round about questions about everything that wasn't tested or found, riddled with sustained objections, long side bars and recesses.

    Ashton on X-examination: Does your testimony have any relevance in this case?
    Witness: no

    love your new blog <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My new summer schedule revolves entirely around this case...which my hubby thought made me a crazy person...until he got sucked in too...I'm sad I missed the first 10 or so days...I'm pretty sure Jose Baez really is just that narcissistic.
