Sometimes it's something slightly intelligent or witty.
Sometimes it's inane banter with myself inside my brain.
But I digress.....
Today is Halloween, which is also my favorite "holiday" of the year. It's not really a holiday, though, because we all still have to work. We just get to dress up like weirdos and go to work in strange garb.
I'm an owl. Which was my costume last year, but I loved my homemade owl wings so much, and my owl hat(s) that I decided I would repeat the costume.
Also because I have an unusual fascination with animals, particularly owls and all things Class Aves. I also have an unusual database of random scientific facts, and tend to blurt them out in general conversation. I think this is perfectly normal, as I think these things are cool and interesting. My peers tend to think I'm a dork. But you know, they love me for it. I embrace my dorkiness. I really do.
(This past weekend? I not only signed up for my VERY OWN subscription to Science magazine, but I piled up all my science books onto the fireplace and took a facebook picture of them. I'm like a Sheldon in training. Minus the narcissistic 14-year old prodigy, PhD part.)
I'll leave you with a few random scientific facts for your mental rolodex:
1. Today the earth's population is projected to reach the 7 billion mark. If you were to count back 7 billion seconds ago (which would take a very long time, just do it mathematically) it would be the year 1789. (Note: I haven't verified this math. I heard it on the morning news.)
2. Those tiny feathers around an owls eyes? They are used to help them locate noises made by potential prey. By this process they can locate a mouse miles away simply by the noise it makes when it steps on a twig. The owls can move these feathers in order to hear better. Each one. Individually. Google image it. That's a ton of feathers. I bet you can't even wiggle your ears.
3. Dippin' Dots ice cream is made by suspending the ice cream mixture in a liquid nitrogen-type-situation, so that the ice cream freezes instantly into particulate spheres. As opposed to churning it.
4. You can distinguish a crocodile from an alligator not simply by the triangular vs rounded snout, but by the positioning of their teeth. Crocodiles have a bottom tooth on each side that sticks out (this is why they have those indentions on the top part of their snout) while alligators keep all their teeth in their mouths. Alligators are WAY more well-mannered than crocs in this aspect.
That's all I've got today. I've been trying to write a decent post for a week now, but due to the amount of stress I've been under it's all been pretty bitter and condescending. Which I'm already a bit good amount of natrually, but I prefer to call it sarcastic and cynical. So, since I like animals more than people, I wrote a post about animals. There you go.
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