"I have 4.5 days of work left and don't care to do anything."
"I needed to bring my laptop to work today, initiate unproductive cycle now."
"I'm a little stressed about moving this weekend and am seeking a refuge from all my 'Holy crap, this is going to suck, Are we moved in yet? My friends are going to hate me.' thoughts."
But generally, I had some time to kill this morning when I was skipping work. (I promise I'm much MUCH more responsible than this, but I'm quitting a job in which I haven't had anything to do except watch Casey Anthony on cnn.com for a few months and now since that's over I've got nothing.) During this lovely morning off, I went to our new leasing office and convinced them to give us our keys Friday night so that we can start moving in
Then, since I was supposed to meet my friend Natalie for lunch, and it was less than an hour from the time I completed previous errand, I decided to kill some time at Barnes and Noble. Simply until it was time to go.
And I ended up creating a whole new mental reading list of things I
So here goes:
Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter Series
I have an affinity for vampire/paranormal books. Especially series. For some reason, they make me feel accomplished. If I find myself lucky enough to fall into the series near the beginning or before it's hugely popular, I feel particularly proud of my good find. I realize this is silly, but shut up.
I've wanted to read the Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter series for a while, and actually have all of them on my Kindle, but there is something so daunting about a 15-book series, and of course I keep choosing to read all those smaller series prior to starting this one.
I don't even know real specifics about the series, except that it's been highly recommended to me by a fellow reader that I trust, so on the list it is, and hopefully I'll knock it out soon. If only I had more pool time.
Larissa Ione Pleasure Unbound (Demonica series)
Stop. Mocking. Me.
I've actually read all of the Demonica series books, because they're quick reads that I can finish in a week, and they're fully entertaining. They are those "trash novels" that make for the perfect getaway book. I read smart stuff, too, so I'm allowed this kind of "crap". Even though it is far, FAR from crap.
Five books in the series. I've basically read the entire series in 5 weeks. But longer than that, since I didn't read them in succession.
Michael Scott The Alchemist (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)
Again, Harry Potter is over, and when I saw these books in the store mentioning Nicholas Flamel (who we all know created the sorcerer's stone), I was instantly intrigued. (Hi, mass marketing strategies, Yes I would like Harry Potter to come back.Wait, but he isn't? And you have a book that will satisfy me in it's place? And it's the beginning of a 5-part series? Sure thing, sign me up.)
I don't even know what it's about, but the other books in this series are titled The Magician (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)
Diana Gabaldon, Outlander
The first book in a 7-part series, all I know is that it's about a woman who time travels to 18th century Scotland to be with her husband. Or something along these lines. Point is, it's an award winning, NYT Bestseller and I want in. Other books in this series are (in order): Dragonfly in Amber
As soon as I can rationalize purchasing them all, then I will buy the set and give them a new home.
Jeff Lindsay Dexter Series
I've read the first Dexter book, and I own the others, but haven't read them yet. (Really, it's a trend. I have far FAR more books than I have actually read, but they're all on the "To Be Read" list. I have a Half Price Books problem.)
However, since Casey Anthony is now over, and the new season shall start shortly, I wish to re-read the first one and read the others. From what I remember of the first book, it was kind of a harder book to read and had a good amount of stream of consciousness to it with a Faulkner-esque feel.
But I could be wrong. It was years ago, and I know I half-assed it.
So there you have it. The list of books I can currently remember that I own/wish to own, and need to read. Other authors who didn't make this list, but are totally on my TBR rolodex are: Christine Feehan, more of George RR Martin, James Patterson, and Michael Connelly. Among others.
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