Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Boy Who Lived-day

Ideally, I'd like to post pictures of our new home that I took with my Sony NEX-3 camera, but I don't have a Nex-3, and our apartment is still not really photo-worthy. I mean, in certain places. So.... no pictures for you.


I also was introduced via Facebook to this CATchy little YouTube video last night. I thought it was funny. In an awkward kind of way.

But really, this girl needs some serious medications. 

It's my last two (YES! 2!!) days of work at this job and I have a fundamental LACK of motivation. I'm basically a desk accessory at this point, because all I do is things like blogging, updating my Google+ account,  Facebook stalking myself, and reading books. Yeah. It's bad. I like to think I'm saving up all my work-place awesomeness for the new job on Monday.

As tomorrow is Friday, and thus, my last day here, I will actually conduct some kind of work functioning on a basic level. Read: Filing and reviewing budgets. But that basically covers one day, and I'd hate to work on it for three days when I can do it all in one. It's called efficiency, people.

As for those of you wishing me a Happy Harry Potter day, let's get one thing straight. Tomorrow is Harry Potter day. The movie releases on 7/15, and yes, I know many of you will see it tonight, but it doesn't release until midnight which is technically tomorrow, so get with the program. You're a day early and your sense of daytime/nighttime and calendar skills is embarrassing. I'm excited, too, but I'm containing it for when I see the movie on Saturday. The day after Harry Potter day. See, it's really quite a basic concept.

Since this is the last Harry Potter day we'll ever have (shed your tears here), what will we all look forward to now? Breaking Dawn 1 day? Percy Jackson 2 day? The Golden Compass 2 day? (Note: those last two are not in production, don't get excited.) Canada Day?

Our Your lives will soon be empty. Okay, fine. Mine will be emptier. But far from empty. Remember how Matt and I just moved in and Monday is new job day? Yeah, The Boy Who Lived ain't got nothin' on that.

But for your reading pleasure, and my Baylor alumni bragging rights: What you should learn from Harry Potter

It was also brought to my attention that in celebration of my departure, I should write a professional scathing letter to my one and only dearest "boss" who has made me hate my job for many, many months. And while I'm attempting to high-road it outta here (except that pesky motivation issue), I figure I can write said letter, but just never actually send it. I mean.... it's therapeutic, right? Perhaps I will work on this later. Because, I mostly think it sounds like a great amount of fun. If only I could get my brain working in order to utilize big words she won't understand......

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